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What is a guest-worker program?

The first dates back to the World War II-era Bracero Program that allowed Mexican laborers to come to the U.S. to work on the nation’s farms and railroads. Simply put, a guest-worker program allows a foreign worker to enter the country for a specified period of time to fill a specific job.

Can guest worker programs be improved?

In the United States, there have been efforts at guest worker programs for many years. These include the Bracero Program, enacted during World War II; attempts by the George W. Bush administration; and the current H-2A and H-2B visa programs. However, attempts at improving the programs have been ongoing and have been vigorously debated.

What are guest worker visas?

Guest worker or “non-immigrant” visas, including the H-1B and L-1, allow U.S. employers to hire citizens of foreign countries to temporarily work in the United States. [ii]

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